Wednesday 8 October 2014

College Magazine Front Cover And Contents Page.


    The colours used for the front cover reflects the college colours which is mainly blue. The blue on beige background is easy on the eyes. The font of the masthead and colours have been consistent. The font is large and easy to read. The use of the brighter colours makes it stand out and eye catching. The cover line, "Monica tells us her fave clothes shops for college." is in differentiate it from the other articles as it is the main focus of the magazine. A pull quote has also been used to show emotion in the cover line. The image used is good as it shows a student in a pose similar to those done in fashion magazines. The model also stands out from the background. This is good as the image is directly linked to the cover line. The pricing could have also been larger so that it is easier to see. Overall the front cover is good.

    The colours and font used have been carried over from the cover keeping a consistent house style. The contents have also been organised in the page order to make it easier to find the article. The large heading also makes it clear that it is a contents page.The images also draw the reader’s attention to it. The images could have been also linked to the feature articles. Heading could have been used to categorize the contents. The lunch voucher is also an incentive to draw people to the magazine. Overall the contents page is good.

  2. Blog check #1: a really nice college mag. However the blog has some key elements missing. these include the production schedule (Task 1) and the evaluation of the college mag. You have some evidence of reflecting as you go along, but this could be clearer, with more regular posts reflecting on your work in progress. VC
