Monday 1 December 2014

Magazine Front Cover So Far.

So Far I have included most of the key features on my front cover, it is incomplete but i will be adding more cover lines, a freebie and some social networking sites logos. 


  1. I really like your masthead, it's big, bold and bright. I like how the colour of your model's heels go with the neon colour scheme. You have used a good image of your model and it goes with your genre. The phrase 'exclusive' is quite eye catchy and it makes the reader want to read what's on the front cover and inside the magazine as it's exclusive. As you have said I think you only need to add more cover lines so that it doesn't look too plain. Overall, it's a good front cover :)

  2. Your front cover looks good at the moment however there are some improvements that can be made by adding some content on the right hand side of the page and I think that the cover lines, freebie and the social networking sites would make it look complete and professional.

  3. I like your contents page, the colours and masthead are very well chosen and makes the front cover page look very professional. however I think you need to add some more cover lines and contents as at the moment there is some space that.
